A new species of Anthophila Haworth, 1811 with variable male genitalia from the Canary Islands (Spain) (Lepidoptera: Choreutidae)




Mots-clés :

Lepidoptera, Choreutidae, Anthophila, new species, Canary Islands, Spain


We describe and illustrate Anthophila variabilis Falck, Karsholt & Rota, sp. n. (Choreutidae) from Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). The new species is outstanding due to the variability of its male genitalia. It is closely related to A. fabriciana (Linnaeus, 1767), and more distantly related to Anthophila threnodes (Walsingham, 1910), which is endemic to Madeira. Based on the DNA barcode, the new species is molecularly very distinct from its closest relative, A. fabriciana, with a pairwise K2P distance of more than 6.5%. The previous record of A. fabriciana from the Canary Islands is based on misidentification, and the species should be removed from the list of Lepidoptera found in the Canary Islands.


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Comment citer

Falck, P., Karsholt, O., & Rota, J. (2020). A new species of Anthophila Haworth, 1811 with variable male genitalia from the Canary Islands (Spain) (Lepidoptera: Choreutidae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 48(192), 671–681. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.345




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