SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología <p><strong>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</strong> is an international journal which has been published by the Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología since 1973. It includes empirical and theoretical research in all aspects of Lepidopterology (Systematic, Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Morphology, Bionomics, Ecology, Faunistics and Zoogeography, also bibliographical papers or those on the history of Lepidopterology, as well as book reviews on the topics mentioned) from all over the world with special emphasis of study of Conservation Biology. promoting research, development and innovation (R+D+I).</p> SOCIEDAD HISPANO-LUSO-AMERICANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIA en-US SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 0300-5267 <p>The author SS retains his trademark and patent rights to any process or procedure within the article.</p> <p>The author retains the right to share, distribute, perform and publicly communicate the article published in <em>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</em>, with initial acknowledgement of its publication in <em>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</em>.</p> <p>The author retains the right to make a subsequent publication of his work, from using the article to publishing it in a book, provided that he indicates its initial publication in <em>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</em>.</p> <p>Each submission to <em>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</em> must be accompanied by an acceptance of copyright and acknowledgement of authorship. By accepting them, authors retain copyright of their work and agree that the article, if accepted for publication by <em>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</em>, will be licensed for use and distribution under a "<strong>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</strong>" (CC BY 4.0) licence that allows third parties to share and adapt the content for any purpose giving appropriate credit to the original work.</p> <p> You may read here the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">basic information</a></strong> and the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">legal text</a></strong> of the license. The indication of the CC BY 4.0 License must be expressly stated in this way when necessary.</p> <p>As of <strong>2022</strong>, the content of the print and digital version is licensed under a "<strong>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</strong>" (CC BY 4.0), licence that allows third parties to share and adapt the content for any purpose giving appropriate credit to the original work.</p> <p>Previous content in the journal was published under a traditional copyright licence; however, the archive is available for free access.</p> <p>When using the contents of <em>SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología</em> published before 2022, including figures, tables or any other material in printed or electronic format belong to the authors of the articles, the authors must obtain the permission of the copyright holder. Legal, financial and criminal liabilities in this respect belong to the author(s).</p> <p>In application of the <strong>Principle of Priority</strong> of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>International Code of Zoological Nomenclature</em></a>, no other version than the one published by the publisher may be deposited in repositories, personal websites or similar.</p> The Pterophoridae fauna of Khakassia Republic and south of Krasnoyarsk region (Russia) (Insecta: Lepidoptera) <p>The article gives a faunal list of Pterophoridae species of Khakassia Republic and the south of Krasnoyarsk region. We have examined 41 localities, as a result of which, 24 species are reported for this region for the first time. In total, 40 Pterophoridae species are currently known for the Republic of Khakassia and for the south of Krasnoyarsk region.</p> Per Ya. Ustjuzhanin Roman E. Maksimov Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 581 591 10.57065/shilap.781 Notocelia mediterranea (Obraztsov, 1952) - a widespread cryptic species in Europe (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) <p><em>Notocelia mediterranea</em> (Obraztsov, 1952) was until recently widely overlooked and combined with its sister<br>species, <em>Notocelia incarnatana</em> (Hübner, [1800]). However, detailed evaluation of forewing pattern and genitalia of both sexes, as well as DNA barcode divergence clearly support the existence of two separate species. A brief comparison of the habitus of both species, as well as photographs of adults and genitalia of both sexes are given. Female genitalia of <em>Notocelia mediterranea</em> are detailed here for the first time. First records for Spain, France, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, and Montenegro are also given.</p> Jan Sumpich Peter Huemer Jacques Nel Thierry Varenne Copyright (c) 2023 Jan Sumpich, Peter Huemer, Jacques Nel, Thierry Varenne 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 593 604 10.57065/shilap.782 The larva and the food plant of Dirphia sombrero Le Cerf, 1934 (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae, Hemileucinae) <p>The last instar larva of <em>Diphia sombrero</em> Le Cerf, 1934, an endemic species to the southern Brazil Atlantic Forest, is described and illustrated, and its food plant is recorded.</p> Vitor O. Becker Almir C. Almeida Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 605 608 10.57065/shilap.783 New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2022 (Insecta: Lepidoptera) <p>Eight species are added to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna, of which two are new for the Iberian Peninsula, and one species deleted, mainly as a result of fieldwork undertaken by the authors and others in 2022. In addition, second and third records for the country, new province records and new host-plant data for a number of species are included. A summary of recent papers affecting the Portuguese fauna is included.</p> Martin F. V. Corley João Nunes Jorge Rosete Joaquim Teixeira Ana Valadares Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 609 627 10.57065/shilap.784 First record of Pyralis farinalis Linnaeus, 1758 from India (Pyralidae: Pyralinae) <p>In the present report, we highlight the first occurrence of <em>Pyralis farinalis</em> Linnaeus, 1758 (Pyraloidea: Pyralidae) from India. The specimen was collected from Tehsil Herman, district of Shopian in Kashmir valley, which is situated at the foothills of Pir Panjal Mountain range-Northwestern Himalayas, India; it is 50 km away from Srinagar, Kashmir.</p> Muzafar Riyaz Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 629 634 10.57065/shilap.785 The taxonomic position of the Neotropical genus Macrocirca Meyrick, 1931 with new synonymy and description of one new species (Lepidoptera: Depressariidae, Depressariinae) <p><em>Macrocirca strabo</em> Meyrick, 1931, described in the Hyponomeutidae, is transferred to the Depressariidae, Depressariinae. A new species, <em>Macrocirca moseri</em> Becker, sp. nov., from Brazil, is described. <em>Odonna</em> Clarke, 1982, syn. nov. is a junior synonym of <em>Macrocirca</em> Meyrick, 1931; <em>M. passiflorae</em> (Clarke, 1982), comb. nov. and <em>M. xenodora</em> (Clarke, 1982), comb. nov. are included in <em>Macrocirca</em>.</p> Vitor O. Becker Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 635 639 10.57065/shilap.786 Molecular identification of some immature Lepidoptera causing Quercus L., defoliation in Lorestan province, western Iran (Insecta: Lepidoptera) <p><em>Quercus</em> L., dominate almost 40% of Iran’s forest area. The second destructive group of insects is defoliator Lepidoptera distributed in the Zagros forests of Iran. We assessed Lepidoptera communities in Zagros forests ecosystems in Lorestan province, western Iran during a ca. 2-yr period that coincided with defoliation outbreaks experienced by this area. A number of 500 lepidopteran larva feeding <em>Quercus</em> leaves handy were collected. The phylogenetic relationship of Lepidoptera was analysed using BEAST software based on the Bayesian Inference method. In total, 14 lepidopteran taxa were identified based on DNA sequences of their immature stages. Six genera and eight species were identified using BLASTn. Here we developed a COI barcoding-based approach to Lepidoptera species delimitation.</p> Asadollah Hosseini-Chegeni Majid Tavakoli Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 641 652 10.57065/shilap.787 New data on the genus Scythris Hübner, [1825] from the Canary Islands (Spain), with description of six new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae) <p>The <em>Scythris petrella</em> species-group in the Canary Islands is revised based on external morphology, genitalia and DNA barcodes. Eleven species are recognized. Six species are described as new: <em>Scythris aronaella</em> Falck, sp. nov. (Spain: Tenerife), <em>Scythris moyaella</em> Falck, sp. nov. (Spain: Gran Canaria), <em>Scythris rupemella</em> Falck, sp. nov. (Spain: Gran Canaria), <em>Scythris linealbella</em> Falck, sp. nov. (Spain: Tenerife), <em>Scythris solisella</em> Falck, sp. nov. (Spain: El Hierro and Tenerife) and <em>Scythris ochrelinella</em> Falck, sp. nov. (Spain: Tenerife). <em>Scythris hierroella</em> Klimesch, 1986, syn. nov. is treated as a synonym of <em>Scythris petrella</em> Walsingham, 1908. Photographs of adults and genitalia of all species are provided. All species are DNA barcoded. Analyses of the DNA barcodes support the identifications and distinctiveness of each species as they all appear well-supported and genetically isolated.</p> Per Falck Copyright (c) 2023 Per Falck 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 653 680 10.57065/shilap.788 Lepidoptera collected in S. W. Mongolia during expedition in Mongolian Altai in 2022 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) <p>An annotated checklist of Geometridae collected in Southwest Mongolia is presented. In total 51 species are recorded. Eight species are recorded as new for the fauna of Mongolia, <em>Alcis depravata</em> (Staudinger, 1892), <em>Holoterpna diagrapharia</em> Püngeler, 1900, <em>Scotopteryx supproximaria</em> (Staudinger, 1892) <em>Cataclysme riguata </em>(Hübner, [1813]), <em>Rhodostrophia crypta</em> Viidalepp &amp; Kostkuk, 2020,<em> Idaea ossiculata</em> (Lederer, 1870), <em>Scopula </em><em>divisaria</em> (Christoph, 1893), and <em>Casilda consecraria</em> (Staudinger, 1871). Habitus and genitalia are illustrated for these species. Four of them were DNA-barcoded, as well as three other species. Results of DNA barcoding are discussed.</p> Ilya A. Makhov Vladimir A. Lukhtanov Maria S. Vishnevskaya Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 681 707 10.57065/shilap.789 The protected species Pseudophilotes bavius hungarica (Diószeghy, 1913): oviposition strategy, new records and conservation (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) <p><em>Pseudophilotes bavius hungarica</em> (Diószeghy, 1913) is a Transylvanian endemic of conservation interest. We made observations regarding its oviposition strategy, and established its preference for floral stems of <em>Salvia nutans</em> L. taller than five centimeters. <em>Salvia transsilvanica</em> Schur was also confirmed as a host plant for <em>P. bavius hungarica</em>. The distribution map of this subspecies was completed in two localities from the south of the Transylvanian Plain, Râpa Lechint¸a and Râpa Da˘ta˘ reni. We reported presence of <em>P. bavius</em> in Tulcea County for the first time, thus supporting the hypothesis that it colonised Dobrogea via Ukraine alongside <em>P. bavius bavius</em> (Eversmann, 1832) and it did not spread from Turkey and Bulgaria alongside <em>P. bavius egea</em>. Many conservation threats that may lead to population fragmentation and extinction have been identified.</p> Andrei Crisan Tibor-Csaba Vizauer László Rákosy Copyright (c) 2023 Andrei Crisan, Tibor-Csaba Vizauer, László Rákosy 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 709 719 10.57065/shilap.790 A new species of the genus Orthotmeta Warren, 1896 from west Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Ennominae, Eutoeini) <p><em>Orthotmeta robdevosi</em> Expósito, sp. n. from west Papua, Indonesia. The adult is illustrated, as well as the genitalia of the male holotype.</p> Andrés Expósito-Hermosa Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 721 723 10.57065/shilap.791 Marialma Becker, a new genus of Neotropical Larentiinae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) <p><em>Marialma</em> Becker, gen. nov., is proposed to accommodate<em> Sabulodes? magicaria</em> Felder &amp; Rogenhofer (1875) [<em>Marialma magicaria</em> (Felder &amp; Rogenhofer, 1875)] comb. nov.</p> Vitor O. Becker Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 725 728 10.57065/shilap.792 First record of the genus Haritalopha Hampson, 1895 from India (Noctuoidea, Erebidae, Hypeninae) <p>In this manuscript, <em>Haritalopha biparticolor</em> Hampson, 1895 is reported for the first time from India, that represents the first record of genus <em>Haritalopha</em> Hampson, 1895 from India. The genus is recharacterised with male genitalia for the first time. Diagnosis and illustrations of adults and genitalia are also provided.</p> Rahul Joshi Jalil Ahmad Navneet Singh Copyright (c) 2023 Rahul Joshi, Jalil Ahmad, Navneet Singh 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 729 732 10.57065/shilap.793 First record of Hypsopygia (Ocrasa) fulvocilialis (Duponchel, [1834] 1831, in Godart & Duponchel) from León, España (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Pyralinae, Pyralini) <p>The first known record of the Pyralidae <em>Hypsopygia (Ocrasa) fulvocilialis</em> (Duponchel, [1834] 1831, in Godart &amp; Duponchel) from the León province, Spain, is presented.</p> Jesús Gómez-Fernández Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 733 737 10.57065/shilap.794 Lourdesiella Bernabé, Huertas & Vives, new genus of the family Stathmopodidae and description of the species Lourdesiella falcatum Bernabé, Huertas & Vives, sp. nov. in the Iberian Peninsula (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) <p>The monospecific genus<em> Lourdesiella</em> Bernabé, Huertas &amp; Vives, gen. nov. (Stathmopodidae), and the species <em>Lourdesiella falcatum</em> Bernabé, Huertas &amp; Vives, sp. nov. (Stathmopodidae) are described. Analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, DNA barcode for the new species, is performed. Data on its biology are given.</p> Pedro Miguel Bernabé-Ruiz Manuel Huertas Dionisio Antonio Vives Moreno Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 739 354 10.57065/shilap.795 Two new additions to the Lycaenidae of Uttar Pradesh, India (Insecta: Lepidoptera) <p>The present study added two new records of Lycaenidae for the State of Uttar Pradesh, India. Both species, <em>Rapala pheretima petosiris</em> (Hewitson, [1863]) and <em>Flos adriana</em> (de Nicéville, [1884]) are new for the Uttar Pradesh.</p> Rupak De Ratindra Pandey Taslima Sheikh Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 755 760 10.57065/shilap.796 General News <p>General News</p> Antonio Vives Moreno Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 51 204 738 738