On Three Species of Genus Eupterote Hübner, [1820] from Chhattisgarh, with a Consolidated Species List of the Genus from India (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae)
Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae, Eupterote, genitalia study, range extension, taxonomy, IndiaAbstract
Morphology including genitalia of three species of genus Eupterote Hübner, [1820] viz. E. bifasciata Kishida, 1994, E. mollifera (Walker, 1865) and E. undata Blanchard, [1844] collected from Chhattisgarh, India are discussed here for first time with illustrated images. Among these three species, E. bifasciata and E. mollifera are newly recorded from the Central Indian Landscape. An updated list of 14 Indian species of genus Eupterote with their distribution is also provided. Six E. undata morphs with their images are illustrated here for first time. With the present record of E.
bifasciata, we extend its distribution range significantly to the south in more or less plain habitat of the Deccan Peninsular biogeographic zone and confirm its occurrence in India.
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