Macroheterocera of a mixed Calabrian black pine-European beech forest of Sila Mountains (Italy) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pinus nigra laricio, Fagus sylvatica, Calabria, ItalyAbstract
In this paper, we surveyed for the first time the Macroheterocera fauna of mixed forests, mainly favored by
human activities, composed by Pinus nigra laricio Maire and Fagus sylvatica L., a largely artificial association of two tree species with very different ecology. We found 312 species representing a perfect mix of moth species found in pure forests with only few changes in the ranking of tree feeding species and with evidences of the natural evolution of most forest woodlots toward mixed European beech-silver fir forests. We added seven species to the fauna of Sila Mountains, one of them deserving more accurate taxonomic studies. Furthermore, we fixed some mistakes reported in literature for the Sila fauna.
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