Interesting records of Pyraloidea from southern Italy, especially from forested habitats (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Crambidae)
Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Crambidae, fauna, forest biodiversity, ItalyAbstract
18 species of Pyraloidea are newly recorded from southern Italy, 7 Pyralidae and 11 Crambidae. Selagia spadicella, Scoparia basistrigalis, S. ingratella and Udea accolalis are newly recorded from peninsular Italy. Lepidogma tamaricalis, Bostra obsoletalis, Loryma egregialis, Paracorsia repandalis, Anania testacealis, Delplanqueia dilutella, Eudonia lacustrata, Acrobasis getuliella, Udea olivalis and Anania lancealis are newly
recorded from southern Italy. Valdovecaria umbratella is newly recorded from continental Italy, so far known only
from Sicily.
Global Statistics ℹ️
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