Heterocera fauna of the Calabrian black pine forest, Sila Massif (Italy) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)





Insecta, Lepidoptera, biodiversity, Pinus laricio calabrica, Sila National Park, Calabria, Italy


In this paper we described the Heterocera fauna of the Calabrian black pine forest in the Sila Massif, southern Italy. We sampled 15 stands at 1270-1446 meters of altitude. One UV-Led light traps per stand was turned on once per month from May to November 2015 and from April to November 2016. We collected 18,827 individuals belonging to 367 species. Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Notodontidae) and Alcis repandata (Geometridae) were the most abundant species. Conifers are the main larval foodplant of 11 species and 4,984 individuals. Particularly interesting was the presence of Eupithecia indigata, discovered in Italy outside the Alps few years ago, abundant in pure Calabrian black pine stands. Also, the recently described Italian endemic Hylaea mediterranea was abundant, and together with E. indigata compose and unique species assemblage characterizing Lepidoptera fauna of the Calabrian black pine forests of the Sila Massif. During the spring, communities were dominated by Eupithecia indigata and Agrotis cinerea, during the summer Thaumetopoea pityocampa, Alcis repandata, Idaea deversaria, and Dendrolimus pini were dominant, and autumn communities were characterized by Pennithera firmata and Colostygia sericeata. We confirmed the presence of Acossus terebra, Dichagyris signifera, Acasis appensata, Mesotype didymata, Plusidia cheiranthi, Trichopteryx carpinata, and Lithophane socia. The relevant interest of this fauna was completed by the presence of several Italian endemic species: Hydriomena sanfilensis, Idaea mutilata, Itame messapiaria, Megalycinia serraria, Nychiodes ragusaria, and Xanthorhoe vidanoi.


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How to Cite

Scalercio, S., & Greco, S. (2018). Heterocera fauna of the Calabrian black pine forest, Sila Massif (Italy) (Insecta: Lepidoptera). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 46(183), 455–472. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.804




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