Contribution to the knowledge of Microlepidoptera, with new mentions for Spain and other contributions of interest (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, new mentioned, Spain, Lepidoptera, new mentioned, SpainAbstract
Caloptilia perseae (Busck, 1920) (Canary Islands, Gracillariidae), Megacraspedus peyerimhoffi Le Cerf, 1925, Dichomeris ustalella (Fabricius, 1794), Dichomeris limosellus (Schläger, 1849, 1849) (Gelechiidae), Bactra simpliciana Chrétien, 1915 and Dichrorampha agilana (Tengström, 1848) (Tortricidae) is included for the firsth time for Spain. Additional information for Oporopsamma dunaria (Sumpich, 2011) (Tortricidae). are mentioned. The females genitalia of Spilonota gallinerana (Sumpich, 2011) and Eucosma albarracina (Hartig, 1941) (Tortricidae) are presented for the first time.
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