A genus and three new species for Spain with other additional interesting lepidopterology information for the Spanish fauna. Description of the females of Agnoea revillai Gastón & Vives, 2020 and creation of a new genus Paramegacraspedus Gastón & Vives, gen. n. (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, new genus, new mentions, SpainAbstract
A new genus Paramegacraspedus Gastón & Vives, gen. n. Gelechiidae) is described. For the first time for the fauna of Spain: Bucculatrix ratisbonensis (Stainton, 1861) Bucculatricidae), Coleophora sattleri Baldizzone, 1995 (Coleophoridae) y Anacampsis trifoliella (Constant, 1890) (Gelechiidae) are mentioned. The female of Agnoea revillai Gastón & Vives, 2020 (Lypusidae) is described. The presence of Megacraspedus dolosellus (Zeller 1839) is confirmed for Spain.
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