New contributions to the Microlepidoptera fauna of Spain and other interesting contributions (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, Bucculatricidae, Gracillariidae, Yponomeutidae, Glyphipterigidae, Blastobasidae, Gelechiidae, Pyralidae, new records, SpainAbstract
New records of Bucculatricidae, Gracillariidae, Yponomeutidae, Glyphipterigidae, Blastobasidae, Gelechiidae and Pyralidae for Spain are presented. Bucculatrix chrysanthemella Rebel, 1896, Parectopa robiniella Clemens, 1863, Yponomeuta irrorella (Hübner, 1796), Glyphipterix umbilici Hering, 1927 and Blastobasis decolorella (Wollaston, 1858) are new for Spain. New provinces records are given of Carpatolechia intermediella Huemer & Karsholt, 1999 and Pseudacrobasis tergestella (Ragonot, 1901).
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