IN MEMORIAM. Profesor Doctor Niels Peder Kristensen (1943-2014)
a.– Cikader (Homoptera auchenorrhyncha) fra Hansted-reservatet.– Ent. Meddr., 30: 269- 287.
b.– Cikaden Eupteroidea stellulata (Burmeister 1841) i Danmark. (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae).– Flora & Fauna, 71: 81-82.
a.– On the subgeneric position of Orthosia porosa Lep., Noctuidae).– Ent. Meddr., 34: 211-213.
b.– Notes on Sterrha ochrata, a moth new to the Danish fauna (Lep., Geometridae).– Ent. Meddr., 34: 214-220.
c.– Om sæsondimorfien hos Plusia chrysitis (L.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae).– Flora & Fauna, 72: 155-158.
a.– Erection of a new family in the Lepidopterous sub-order Dacnonypha.– Ent. Meddr., 35: 341-345.
b.– A Note on Chapmania kaltenbachi sensu Hering 1932 (Lep., Eriocraniidae).– Ent. Meddr., 35: 346-348.
a.– The morphological and functional evolution of the mouthparts in adult Lepidoptera.– Opusc. ent., 33: 69-72.
b.– The skeletal anatomy of the heads of adult Mnesarchaeidae and Neopseustidae (Lep., Dacnonypha).– Ent. Meddr., 36: 137-151.
c.– The anatomy of the head and the alimentary canal of adult Eriocraniidae (Lep., Dacnonypha).– Ent. Meddr., 36: 239-315.
a.– Morphological observations on the wing scales in some primitive Lepidoptera (Insecta).– J. Ultrastruct. Res., 30: 402-410. DOI:
b.– Systematisk Entomologi: 173 pp. Munksgaard, København.
– KRISTENSEN, N. P., KAABER, S. & WOLFF, N. L., 1971.– Europas Dagsommerfugle, Copenhagen
: Gad, 366 pp (translation / revision of Higgins, L. G. & Riley, N. D. (1970). A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe).
a.– The systematic position of the Zeugloptera in the light of recent anatomical investigations.– Proc. XIIIth Int. Congr. Ent. Moscow, 2-9 August 1968, 1: 261.
b.– Et sjwllandsk eksemplar af Nyphalis xanthomelas (Lep., Nymphalidae).– Ent. Meddr., 39: 129-132.
c.– Sikre bestemmelseskarakterer hos hunnerne af Adopaea lineola og A. flava (Lep., Hesperiidae).– Ent. Meddr., 39: 133-136.
d.– Dagsommerfuglenes storsystematik. En oversigt over nyere undersogelser.– Ent. Meddr., 39: 201-233.
– JELNES, J. E. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1972.– Orn navngivning of “aberrationer”.– Flora & Fauna, 78: 25.
a.– Sommerfuglenes stilling i insekt-systemet.– Lepidoptera (N. S.), 2: 61-67.
b.– Et fund of Dysgonia algira i Danmark (Noctuidae).– Lepidoptera (N. S.), 2: 106-107.
– KARSHOLT, O. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1974.– Undersøgelser over sommerfuglefaunaen på Hesselo.– Ent. Meddr., 42: 33-47.
– ACHTELIG, M. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1974.– A re-examination of the relationships of the Raphidioptera (Insecta).– Z. zool. Syst. Evol.-forsch., 11: 268-274. DOI:
– BIRKET-SMITH, S. J. R. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1974.– The skeleto-muscular anatomy of the genital segments of male Eriocrania (Insecta, Lepidoptera).– Z. Morph. Tiere, 77: 157-174. DOI:
– FIBIGER, M. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1974.– The Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark.– Fauna ent. Scand., 2: 1-91. DOI:
a.– On the evolution of wing transparency in Sesiidae (Lepidoptera).– Vid. Meddr da. Nat. Foren., 137: 125-134.
b.– The phylogeny of hexapod “orders”. A critical review of recent accounts.– Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., 13: 1-44.
– ROTHENBORG, H. W., SJØLIN, K.-E. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1976.– Sandlopper. Souvenirs fra tropeferien.– Ugeskr. f. Læger, 1976: 2437-2440.
a.– Remarks on the family-level phylogeny of butterflies (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera).– Z. zool. Syst. Evol.-forsch., 14: 25-33. DOI:
b.– A redescription of the male genital morphology of Paramartyria immaculatella (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae).– Steenstrupia, 4: 27-32.
a.– Phylogenetic methodology in hexapod high-level systematics: Results and perspectives.– Norw. J. Ent., 25: 84-85.
b.– Orbituary: Henning Lemche.– Bull. zool. Nomenclat., 35: 5-6.
c.– Observations on Anomoses hylecoetes (Anomosetidae), with a key to the hepialoid families (Insecta, Lepidoptera).– Steenstrupia, 5: 1-19.
d.– Ridge dimorphism and second-order ridges on wing scales in Lepidoptera: Exoporia.– Int. J. Insect. Morph. Embryol., 7: 297-299. DOI:
e.– A new family of Hepialoidea from South America, with remarks on the phylogeny of the suborder Exoporia (Lepidoptera).– Ent. Germ., 4: 272-294. DOI:
a.– The Mnesarchaea proboscis, a correction.– Ent. Gen., 5: 267-268.
b.– Review of H. Bruce Boudreaux: Arthropod Phylogeny with Special Reference to Insects.– Syst. Zool., 28: 638-643.
– HEATH, J., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1979.– On the identity of Tinea tunbergella Fabricius, 1987 and Tinea thunbergella Fabricius, 1794 (Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae, Gracillariidae).– Ent. scand., 10: 9-12. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1979.– A new subfamily of micropterigid moths from South America. A contribution to the morphology and phylogeny of the Micropterigidae, with a generic catalogue of the family (Lepidoptera: Zeugloptera).– Steenstrupia, 5: 69-147.
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1980.– The ventral diaphragm of primitive (nonditrysian) Lepidoptera. A morphological and phylogenetic study.– Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., 18: 123-146. DOI:
a.– Sphinx tipuliformis Clerck, 1759 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): Proposed conservation. Z. N. (S) 2138.– Bull. zool. Nomenclat., 37: 154-156.
b.– Sesia andrenaeformis Laspeyres, 1801 (Insecta, Lepidoptera): Proposed conservation. Z. N. (S) 2139.– Bull. zool. Nomenclat., 37: 156-15.
a.– Amphiesmenoptera. Trichoptera. Lepidoptera. [Revisionary notes] Pp. 325-330, 412-415.– In W. HENNIG. Insect Phylogeny (Pont & Schlee eds). Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, New York, Brisbane, Toronto.
b.– Phylogeny of insect orders.– A. Rev. Ent., 26: 135-157. DOI:
a.– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1981.– Abdominal nerve cord configuration in adult nonditrysian Lepidoptera.– Int. J. Insect Morph. Embryol., 10: 89-91. DOI:
b.– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1981.– Intrinsic proboscis musculature in non-ditrysian Lepidoptera-Glossata: Structure and phylogenetic significance.– In L. CEDERHOLM (ed.). Advances in insect systematics and phylogeny.– Ent. scand. Suppl., 15: 299-304.
c.– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1981.– Double-tube proboscis configuration in neopseustid moths (Lepidoptera: Neopseustidae).– Int. J. Insect Morph. Embryol., 10: 483-486. DOI:
– Splitting or widening: remarks on the taxonomic treatment of paraphyletic taxa.– Ann. Zool. Fennici, 19: 201-202.
– HENRIKSEN, H. J. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1982.– Dagsommerfuglen Colias alfacariensis, en nyopdaget strejfgaest i Danmark (Lepidoptera: Pieridae).– Ent. Meddr., 49: 123-131.
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1982.– South American micropterigid moths: two new genera of the Sabatinca - group.– Ent. scand., 13: 513-529. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1983.– The Heterobathmia life history elucidated: Immature stages contradict assignment to suborder Zeugloptera (Insecta, Lepidoptera).– Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., 21: 101-124. DOI:
a.– S. L. Tuxen.– Vidensk Meddr. da. naturh. Foren., 144: 157-170.
b.– S. L. Tuxen.– Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 13: 311-314).
c.– Skeletomuscular anatomy of the male genitalia of Epimartyria (Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae).– Ent. scand., 15: 97-112. DOI:
d.– Respiratory system of the primitive moth Micropterix calthella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae).– Int. J. Insect. Morph. Embryol., 13: 137-156. DOI:
e.– The pregenital abdomen of the Zeugloptera (Lepidoptera).– Steenstrupia, 10: 113-136.
f.– The larval head of Agathiphaga (Lepidoptera Agathiphagidae) and the lepidopteran ground plan.– Syst. ent., 9: 63-81. DOI:
g.– The male genitalia of Agathiphaga (Lepidoptera, Agathiphagidae) and the lepidopteran ground plan.– Ent. scand., 15.
h.– Studies on the morphology and systematics of primitive Lepidoptera.– Steenstrupia, 10: 141-191.
a.– Anker Nielsen: 21 februar 1907- 9 december 1984.– Vidensk Meddr. da. naturh. Foren., 146: 115-124.
b.– Sommerfuglenes storsystematik / The higher classification of Lepidoptera.– In K. SCHNACK (ed.). Katalog over de danske sommerfugle / Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Denmark.– Ent. Meddr., 52(2-3): 6-20.
c.– Sommerfuglenes tidligste udvikling.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1985(1): 14-18.
d.– De førster snabelsommerfugle.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1985(2): 10-12.
– Nachruf Auker Nielsen. Trichoptera.– Newsl., 13: 4-6.
– Biography and contributions of prof. dr. Jean Chaudonneret. 1984 Recipient of The Distinguihed International Award in Insect Morphology and Embryology.– Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol., 17: 171-176). DOI:
a.– The New Zealand scorpionfly (Nannochorista philpotti comb. n.): wing morphology and its phylogenetic significance.– Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., 27: 106-114. DOI:
b.– Insect phylogeny based on morphological evidence. Pp 295-306. In B. FERNHOLM et al. (eds): The Hierarchy of Life. Molecules and Morphology in Phylogenetic Analysis. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
– NIELSEN, E. S. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1989.– Primitive Ghost Moths.– Monogr. Aust. Lepid., 1: 1-206. DOI:
a.– Torben W. Langer *7.6.1924 †13.4.1988.– Ent. Meddr., 58: 95-96. DOI:
b.– Den “eksploderede” goliathbille.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1990(2): 29.
c.– The trunk integument of zeuglopteran larvae: One of the most aberrant arthropod cuticles known (Insecta, Lepidoptera).– Bull. Sugadaira Montane Res. Cen., 11: 101-102.
d.– Morphology and phylogeny of the lowest Lepidoptera-Glosata: Recent progress and unforeseen problems.– Bull. Sugadaira Montane Res. Cen., 11: 105-106.
/[1994].– Phylogeny of Extant Hexapods. Pp. 125-140.– In CSIRO (ed). The Insects of Australia, second edition 1991. Melbourne University Press, Carlton. [Reprinted with minor alterations in I. D. NAUMANN (ed.). Systematic and Applied Entomology. An Introduction 1994. Melbourne University Press, Carlton].
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & LARSEN, K., 1990.– Biodiversitet i en verden undenr forandring.– Naturens Verden, 1993: 161-162.
– Biodiversitetens dimensioner: kvantitet og “kvalitet”.– Naturens Verden, 1993: 165-179. [ with contributions from P. F. Andersen, B. Coull, M. de Kalin Arrogo, I Friis, W. Greuter, A. Strid & R.Bothmer]
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & RASMUSSEN, J F., 1993.– Biodiversitet som videnskabeling og samfundsmæssig udfordring.– Naturens Verden, 1993: 197-208. [with contributons from P. R. Ehrlich, F. Fjeldså, D. H. Janzen, A. Strid & R. J. Bothner]
– En enestående tilgang til Zoologisk Museums sommerfuglesamling.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1993(2): 20-22.
a.– Karl Georg Wingstrand. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabemes Selskab.– Overs. Selsk. Virks., 1992-93: 155-166.
b.– Bent W. Rasmussen.– Ent. Meddr., 62: 95.
c.– Må man gerne samle på insekter?.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1994(1): 7-10.
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1994.– Osrhoes coronta Druce, the New World palaeosetid: A reappraisal, with description of a new type of female genital apparatus (Lepidoptera: Exoporia).– Ent. scand., 24: 391-406. DOI:
– MELZER, R. R., PAULUS, H. F. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1994.– The larval eye of nannochoristid scorpionflies (Insecta, Mecoptera).– Acta Zool., 75: 201-208. DOI:
– KARSHOLT, O., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & KOZLOV, M. V., 1994.– Eriocrania cicatricella (Zetterstedt, 1839), the correct name of the moth currently known as Eriocrania haworthi Bradley, 1966 (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae).– Ent. Meddr., 62: 91-93.
– Den naturhistoriske samling og forskningen.– Nord. Mus., 2: 47-56.
a.– Sydbøgemøllene.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1995(1): 30-31. DOI:
b.– Forty years’ insect phylogenetic systematics: Hennig’s “Kritische Bemerkungen.. ” and subsequent developments.– Zool. Beitr. (N. F.), 36: 83-124.
– DAVIS, D. R., KARSHOLT, O., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1995: A revision of the genus Ogygioses (Palaeosetidae).– Invertebr. Taxon., 9: 1231-1263. DOI:
– NIELSEN, E. S. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1996.– The Australian moth family Lophocoronidae and the basal phylogeny of the Lepidoptera-Glossata.– Inverteb. Taxon., 10: 1199-1302. DOI:
a.– Myreløver i Danmark.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1997(1): 24-27.
b.– Japetus Steenstrup.– Dry Nat. Mus., 1997(2): 21-25.
c.– The ground plan and basal diversification of the hexapods. Pp. 281-293.– In R. A. FORTEY & R. H. THOMAS (eds). Arthropod Relationships. Chapman & Hall, London.
d.– Early evolution of the Trichoptera + Lepidoptera lineage: phylogeny and the ecological scenario.– Mém. Mus. nat. Hist. nat., 173: 253-271. [Japanese translation, with minor differences: pp. 182-200. In T. YASUDA (ed.). Biology of Microlepidoptera, 1998].
– Historical Introduction.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 1-5. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & SKALSKI, A. W., 1998.– Palaeontology and phylogeny.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.) Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 7-25. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– CARTER, D. J. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 1998.– Classification and keys to higher taxa.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 27-40. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
a.– The non-glossatan moths.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 41-49. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.
b.– The homoneurous Glossata.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 51-63. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.
– DUGDALE, J. S., KRISTENSEN, N. P., ROBINSON, G. S. & SCOBLE, M. J., 1998.– The Yponomeutoidea.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 119-130. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– EDWARDS, E. D., GENTILI, P., HORAK, M., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1998.– The Cossoidea and Sesioidea.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 181-197. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– DUGDALE, J. S., KRISTENSEN, N. P., ROBINSON, G. S. & SCOBLE, M. J., 1998.– The smaller microlepidoptera-grade superfamilies.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 1.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/35: 217-232. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, E. S., 1998.– Heterobathmia valvifer n. sp.: A moth with large apparent “ovipositor valves” (Lepidoptera, Heterobathmiidae).– Steenstrupia, 24: 141-156.
– Phylogeny of endopterygote insects, the most successful lineage of living organisms.– Eur. J. Entomol., 96: 237-253.
– KRENN, H. W. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2000.– Early evolution of the proboscis of Lepidoptera: external morphology of the galea in basal glossatan moth lineages, with remarks on the origin of the pilifers.– Zool. Anz., 239: 179-196.
a.– Michael Hansen.– Danks Naturh. Foren. Årsskritf, 11: 67-69.
b.– Hennings Anthon.– Ent. Meddr., 69: 65-68.
c.– Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen. 7 June 1950 - 6 March 2001.– Nota lepid., 24(3): 3-9.
– KLASS, K.-D. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2001.– The ground plan and affinities of hexapods: recent progress and open problems.– Annls. Soc. ent. Fr. (N. S.), 37: 265-298.
– SIMONSEN, T. J. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2001.– Agatiphaga wing vestiture revisited: evidence for complex early evolution of lepidopteran scales (Lepidoptera: Agathiphagidae).– Insect Syst. Evol., 32: 169-175. DOI:
-2002.– Contributions to “Danmarks Nationalksikon” / Den Store “Dankes Encyklopædi”, vols. 1-20. Gyldendal, Copenhagen.
– Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen.– Danks Naturh. Foren. Årsskritf, 12: 58-60.
– KLASS, K-D., ZOMPRO, O., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & ADIS, J., 2002.– Mantophasmatodea: a new insect order with extant members in the Afrotropics.– Science, 206: 1456-1459. DOI:
– Mantophasmatodea: en nyopdaget orden of nulevende insekter.– Dry Nat. Mus., 2002(2): 24-27.
a.– KARSHOLT, O. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Kastaniemøllet: et kønt nyt skadedyr i Danmark.– Dry Nat. Mus., 2003(1): 9-11.
b.– KARSHOLT, O. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Plesiozela, gen. nov. from temperate South America: apparent sister-group of the previously known Heliozelidae (Lepidoptera: Incurvarioidea: Heliozelidae).– Inverteb. Syst., 17: 39-46. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & SIMONSEN, T. J., 2003.– Scale length / wing length correlation in Lepidoptera.– J. Nat. Hist., 37: 673-679. DOI:
– CHAUVIN, G. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Integument.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/36: 1-8. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & SIMONSEN, T. J., 2003.– Hairs and scales.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/36: 9-22. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– Skeleton and muscles: adults.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2.–
Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/36: 39-131. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.
– HASENFUSS, I. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Skeleton and muscles: immatures.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/36: 133-164. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– BARBEHENN, R. V. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Digestive and excretory system.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2. Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology IV/36: 165-187. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– WARRANT, E., KELBER, A. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Eyes and vision. Pp. 325-359 in N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/36: 325-359. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
– AKAI, H., HAKIM, R. S. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2003.– Labial glands, silk and saliva.– In N. P. KRISTENSEN (ed.). Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2.– Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology, IV/36: 377-388. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York. DOI:
a.– Reproductive organs.– In N. P. Kristensen (Ed.) Lepidoptera: Moths and butterflies 2. Handbuch der Zoologie/Handbook of Zoology IV/36: 427-447. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin & New York.
b.– Resolving the basal phylogeny of Lepidoptera: morphological evidence.– Ent. Abh., 61: 167-169.
a.– Paul Johannes Holst-Christensen.– Danks Naturh. Foren. Årsskritf, 14: 86-89.
b.– Om indsamling og udskillelse. Nogle naturhistoriske perspektiver.– Danske Mus., 17(5): 20-21.
– KRENN, H. W. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2004.– Evolution of proboscis musculature in Lepidoptera.– Eur. J. Entomol., 101: 565-575. DOI:
– Jens Bodtker Rasmussen - Obituary.– Trop. Zool., 18: 149-149. DOI:
– Nils Møller Andersen 21. november 1940 - 12. maj 2004.– Det Kongelige danske videnskabernes Selskab. Oversigt over Selskabets Virksomhed, 2004-05: 217-224.
– FAUCHEUX, M. J., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & YEN, S-H., 2006.– The antennae of neopseustid moths: Morphology and phylogenetic implications, with special reference to the sensilla (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Neopseustidae).– Zool. Anz., 245: 131-142. DOI:
a.– Nils Moller Andersen.– Danks Naturh. Foren. Årsskritf, 16/17: 50-51.
b.– Leif Lyneborg - 3. januar 1932 - 10. september 2006.– Danks Naturh. Foren. Årsskritf, 16/17: 68-75.
– KRISTENSEN, N. P., SCOBLE, M. J. & KARSHOLT, O., 2007.– Lepidoptera phylogeny and systematics: the state of inventorying moth and butterfly diversity.– Zootaxa, 1668: 699-747. DOI:
a.– Early Lepidoptera evolution.– Ges. Biol. Syst. Newsletter, 20: 50-55.
b.– Natsværmeren “humleæder”, dens flyveaktivitet, vingeskæl-struktur og variation I Nordeuropa.– Dry Nat. Mus., 2008(2): 22-25.
– BÉTHOUX, O., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & ENGEL, M., 2008.– Hennigian phylogenetic systematics and the “groundplan” vs. “post-groundplan” approaches: A Reply to Kukalová-Peck.– Evol. Biol., 35: 317-323. DOI:
– KAABER, S., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & SIMONSEN, T. J., 2009.– Sexual dimorphism and geographical male polymorphism in the ghost moth Hepialus humuli (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae): Scale ultrastructure and evolutionary aspects.– Eur. J. Entomol., 106: 303-313. DOI:
– BEUTEL, R. G., KRISTENSEN, N. P. & POHL, H., 2009.– Resolving insect phylogeny: The significance of cephalic structures of the Nannomecoptera in understanding endopterygote relationships.– Arthropod Struct. Devop., 38: 427-460. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & NIELSEN, P. S., 2010.– Et Hoffmeyer-manuscript om vore “stribede” køllesvarrmere.– Lepidoptera, 9: 289-307.
– LEES, D. C., ROUGERIE, R., ZELLER-LUKASCHORT, C. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2010.– DNA minibarcodes in taxonomic assignment: a morphologically unique new homoneurous moth Glade from the Indian Himalayas described in Micropterix (Lepidoptera, Micropterigidae).– Zool. Scr., 39: 642-661. DOI:
– KRISTENSEN, N. P. & GAEDIKE, R., 2010.– Extraordinary moths and an extraordinary moth researcher: An essay review of G. S. Robinson’s Biology, distribution and diversity of tineid moths.– Nota lepid., 33: 3-8.
– HÜNEFELD, F. & KRISTENSEN, N. P., 2010.– The female postabdomen and internal genitalia of the basal moth genus Agathiphaga (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Agathiphagidae): Morphology and phylogenetic implications.– Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 159: 905-920. DOI:
– Michael Fibiger 29. juni 1945 - 16. februar 2011.– Ent. Meddr., 79: 153-165.
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