Analysis of the Geometridae Leach, 1815 from Sierra Maria-Los Velez Natural Park (Almeria, Spain) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)




Lepidoptera, Geometridae, life cycle, phenology, biogeography, ierra Maria-Los Velez Natural Park, Almeria, Spain


The Geometridae fauna of Sierra María-Los Vélez Natural Park (Almería, southeast Spain) includes 139 species belonging to the subfamilies Ennominae, Geometrinae, Sterrhinae y Larentiinae. The atlanto-mediterranean corotype is widely prevalent (56.8%), including 10 Iberian endemisms. Forty species are cited for the first time in Almeria province and a large number increase their scarce references in the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula. The phenological study of the family Geometridae shows a high proportion of univoltine (56.8%) versus polivoltine (20.3%) species, as well as of species considered infrequent, with less than 15 specimens observed (53.4%) versus those considered frequent, with more than 51 specimens found (20.3%). This shows the fragility of the area under study when facing ecosystem changes.


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How to Cite

Garre, M., Rubio, R. M., Guerrero, J. J., & Ortiz, A. S. (2016). Analysis of the Geometridae Leach, 1815 from Sierra Maria-Los Velez Natural Park (Almeria, Spain) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 44(174), 211–236.




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