Addenda and corrigenda to the systematic catalogue of the Macrolepidoptera of Murcia (Spain) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, catalogue, Murcia, SpainAbstract
An updated systematic checklist of Macrolepidoptera from Murcia (southeastern Iberian Peninsula) is presented. Twenty-seven macrolepidopteran species are added to increase and clarify the checklist up to 793 species. New records of the two endemic species Charissa assoi and Idaea korbi and other species known from the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula such as Proserpinus proserpina, Euclidia glyphica and Polyphaenis sericata are confirmed for the studied area. A new record for Polymixis germana, a rare species known only from the xero-thermophilic steppe habitat in the southern Iberian Peninsula, is included.
Global Statistics ℹ️
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