New records to Geometridae and Noctuoidea moth fauna from the “Sierra del Taibilla” and the “Sierra de las Cabras” Natural Reserve (Albacete-Murcia, Spain) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, faunistic, Sierra del Taibilla, Sierra de las Cabras, Albacete, Murcia, SpainAbstract
The catalog of the Geometridae and Noctuoidea moth from the “Sierra del Taibilla” and the Natural Reserve of the “Sierra de las Cabras” (Albacete-Murcia, Spain) is updated. Eighty-four new records are added among Geometridae (47 species), Euteliidae (1), Notodontidae (1), Erebidae (13), Nolidae (5) and Noctuidae (17). Deletion and reidentification of certain taxa that increase the faunistic catalog are discussed increasing the number of species up to 207 in the family Geometridae and up to 329 species in the Superfamily Noctuoidea. New records are given of the endemic species Charissa assoi (Redondo & Gastón, 1997), Idaea alicantaria (Reisser, 1963), Idaea dromikos Hausmann, 2004, Scopula concinnaria (Duponchel, 1842), Colostygia hilariata (Pinker, 1954) and Hadena exspectata Hacker, 1996. Likewise, eighteen species are new records for the province of Albacete and four for the Murcia Region.
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