Contribution to the knowledge of the Noctuoidea from the “Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas” Natural Park (Jaen, Spain) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
New data for the Noctuoidea fauna from the “Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas” Natural Park (Jaen, Spain) includes 47 species belonging to the families Notodontidae (2), Erebidae (19), Nolidae (1) and Noctuidae (25). The taxa documented in the study area for the first time are the erebids Eublemma parva, Eublemma polygramma, Parascotia nisseni, Raparna conicephala and Catocala promissa; the nolid Nola subchlamydula; and the noctuids Cryphia pallida, Caradrina aspersa, Hecatera dysodea, Dichagyris candelisequa, Chersotis fimbriola and Epilecta linogrisea, of which 10 are cited for the first time in the province of Jaen.
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