Variación temporal del ensamblaje de mariposas asociadas a la Cuenca de la Calaboza, Yopal, Casanare, Colombia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, Piedmont, community, diversity, conservation, ColombiaAbstract
Temporal variation can affect the structure of the habitat and the availability of resources, which can generate different responses of animal species such as butterflies. For this reason, we were proposed to evaluate the effect of the temporal variation in the assembly of butterflies in the Calaboza, Casanare, Colombia, having two sampling periods: Low Rains and High Rains and using active and passive collection methods proposed for the study of butterflies. It was possible to show a variation in the composition, abundance and richness of butterflies throughout the sampling, where the Nymphalidae family presented greater diversity for both the High and Low Rainy seasons followed by Pieridae family. On the other hand, Lycaenidae and Riodinidae presented the lowest values of abundance and wealth in both sampling seasons. A variation in the composition of the butterflies species was observed by sampling period, where Pyrgus orcus (Stoll, 1780), Memphis ambrosia (Druce, 1874), Eresia clara (Linnaeus, 1758), Cissia tiessa (Doubleday, 1848), Euptoieta claudia (Cramer, 1775), Taygetis rufomarginata (Staudinger, 1888), Aphrissa statira (Cramer, 1777), Melete polyhymnia (Felder & Felder, 1865) and Hypoleria ocalea (Doubleday, 1847), were exclusive of low rains period, while Pyrgus oileus (Linnaeus, 1767), Eueides lybia (Fabricius, 1775), Itaballia demophile (Linnaeus, 1763), Dircenna dero (Hübner, 1823), Hamadryas arinome (Lucas, 1853), Taygetis andromeda (Butler, 1877), Eunica malvina (Bates, 1864), Posttaygetis penelea (Cramer, 1777), among others, were exclusive species of the High Rainy season. We were evidenced that species such as Historis acheronta (Fabricius, 1775) and Heliconius erato (Linnaeus, 1758) were co-dominant for both the Low season and the High Rainy season. These results indicate that there are ecosystem conditions that support the biological requirements for the survival of the butterflies’ community, despite the specific nature of the presence of some species by climate season; a high diversity of species is reported. Important study area for the ecosystem equilibrium, so the Calaboza becomes an area of importance for conservation at piedmont level in the region of the Colombian Orinoquia.
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