Mariposas asociadas a humedales en el municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca, Colombia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, richness, bioindicators, abundance, ColombiaAbstract
The wetlands in recent years have deteriorated due to the different anthropic processes that have been generated by urbanistic events, such as the wetlands in the Soacha municipality, Cundinamarca, which are being affected by the development of the great cities when establishing diverse human settlements, which can lead to the fragmentation of habitat, generating a reduction of spaces for the genetic flow between the populations of the different species of flora and fauna, causing possible bottlenecks and local extinctions. Lepidoptera are highly fragile in the face of natural and man-made disturbances in ecosystems. Therefore, the study of diversity patterns in Lepidoptera (Papilionoidea) allows reflecting the state of conservation of a particular habitat, which necessitates the development of the present study, in order to know the diversity patterns of the species on the Neuta, Tierra Blanca and San Isidro wetlands, located in the Soacha municipality, Cundinamarca. By means of standardized methods for the study of diurnal Lepidoptera, 93 individuals were collected, in the last quarter of 2016, belonging to four families and eight species, where the families Pieridae and Hesperiidae were the most representative, being Colias dimera species the most abundant. In addition, a negative effect of the anthropic processes on the diversity of the species present in the different study areas was evidenced, suggesting the need to generate strategies for the conservation of these types of habitats so important for Cundinamarca, and to protect the species present in these areas.Downloads
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