The taxonomic position of the Neotropical genus Casandria Walker, 1857, with new synonymies and combinations (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Catocalinae)
Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Catocalinae, Acanthodica, Casandria, new combinations, new synonymies, NeotropicalAbstract
Casandria Walker, 1857, is transferred from the Nolidae (Collomeninae) to the Erebidae (Catocalinae), as the senior synonym of Acathodica Schaus, 1894. Consequently, the species formerly associated with Acanthodica are herein transferred to Casandria: C. albiplena (L. B. Prout, 1919) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. cabra (Dognin, 1894) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. chiripa (Dognin, 1894) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. coelebs (L. B. Prout, 1919) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. drucei (Dognin, 1889) (Calocampa), comb. n., C. emittens Walker, 1857 [= Agrotis daunus Druce, 1894)], syn. n., [= Acanthodica grandis (Schaus, 1894)], syn. n., C. fassli (Zerny, 1916) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. fosteri (Hampson, 1913) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. frigida (Jones, 1921) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. hages (Druce, 1900) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. lignaris (Schaus, 1894) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. penicillum (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874 (Agrotis), comb. n., C. sinuilinea (L. B. Prout, 1919) (Acanthodica), comb. n., C. splendens (Druce, 1889) (Agrotis), comb. n., C. xylinoides (Schaus, 1894) (Acanthodica), comb. n. The following species, formerly associated to Casandria are herein transferred to Motya Walker, 1859: M. araea (Schaus, 1911) (Casandria), comb. n., M. flotsama (Dyar, 1914) (Casandria), comb. n., M. insignis (Dognin, 1914) (Casandria), comb. n., M. steniptera (Schaus, 1911) (Casandria), comb. n. A table of all taxa formerly associated with both Casandria and Acanthodica are presented in the “Nommenclature summary”, and illustrations of both the types of C. emittens Walker, 1857 and of A. grandis Schaus, 1894, as well of a live C. splendens (Druce, 1889), are also presented.
Dognin, P. (1914). Hétérocères nouveaux de l’Amérique du Sud, 7, 1-32.
Draudt, M. (1939-1940). Subfamily Catocalinae. In A. Seitz (ed.). The Macrolepidoptera of The World (Vol. 6, pp. 33-230). A. Kernen.
Dyar, H. G. (1914). Descriptions of new species and genera of Lepidoptera from Mexico. Proceedings United States National Museum, 47, 139-350. DOI:
Hampson, G. H. (1911). Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae in the British Museum (Vol. 12). British Museum. Nye, I. W. B. (1975). Noctuidae. In I. W. B. Nye (ed.) The generic names of moths of the World (Vol. 1). British Museum (Natural History).
Poole, R. W. (1989). Noctuidae. Lepidopterorum catalogus, 118, 1-1013.
Ragonot, E.-L. (1891). Essai sur la classification des Pyralites. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 11, 15-114.
Schaus, W. (1894). New species of Noctuidae from tropical America. Transaction of the Entomological Society of America, 21, 223-244.
Schaus, W. (1896). On Walker’s types of Lepidoptera in the Oxford University Collection. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1896, 634-650. DOI:
Schaus, W. (1906). Descriptions of South American moths. Proceedings of United States National Museum, 30, 85-141. DOI:
Walker, F. (1857). List of the specimens of Lepidopterous insects in the collections of the British Museum, 11, 493-764.
Walker, F. (1859). List of the specimens of Lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, 18, 509-798.
Whalley, P. E. S. (1973). The genus Etiella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae): a zoogeographic and taxonomic study. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Entomology), 25, 31-72.
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