Contribution to the knowledge of Geometridae from the Picos de Europa National Park (Asturias, Spain) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Lepidoptera, Geometridae, faunistics, new records, Picos de Europa, Asturias, SpainAbstract
The Geometridae moth fauna from the Picos de Europa National Park (Asturias, Spain) includes 76 species belonging to the subfamilies Ennominae (21), Geometrinae (4), Sterrhinae (9) and Larentiinae (42). Biogeographically, the Euroasiatic elements (42.2%) are corologically the most important, reaching 65.9% of wide range elements if Palearctic (13.2%) and Holarctic species (10.5) are added. Among those taxa which are documented in the study area for the first time, Iberian endemisms (2.6%) are highlighted as Perconia baeticaria (Staudinger, 1871) and Xanthorhoe iberica (Staudinger, 1901). In addition, other interesting species are those known only from Pyrenees as Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen, 1794) and Eupithecia lariciata (Freyer, 1841), or those ones that expand their known distribution in the Iberian Peninsula as Macaria wauaria (Linnaeus, 1758), Coenotephria salicata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Eupithecia indigata (Hübner, 1813) and Eupithecia semigraphata Bruand, 1850.
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