Contribution to the checklist of the Geometridae from the National Park and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada (Almeria-Granada, Spain) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
Lepidoptera, Geometridae, faunistics, new records, Sierra Nevada, Almeria, Granada, SpainAbstract
Nineteen species belonging to the family Geometridae from the National Park and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada are added to the Systematic checklist of which Tephronia sepiaria (Hüfnagel, 1767) is a new record for Granada province and Aleucis distinctata (Herrich-Schäffer, 1839), Biston strataria (Hüfnagel, 1767), Charissa predotae (Schawerda, 1929), Thera obeliscata (Hübner, 1787), Eupithecia phoeniceata (Rambur, 1834) and Eupithecia innotata (Hüfnagel, 1767) are new ones for Almeria province.
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