Colour analysis for distinguishing closely related species of the subgenus Mesembrynus Hübner, [1819] Zygaena (M.) minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Zygaena (M.) purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, spectral light reflectance, pigments, pteridine, GeorgiaResumo
The wing colours and patterns of the genus Zygaena are limited and mainly red and black. This fact creates problems to distinguish closely related species by visual inspection. The aim of this study is to report differences in spectral reflectance of the wings between Zygaena (Mesembrynus) minos ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and Zygaena (Mesembrynus) purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763). The Pteridine Erythropterin is the pigment which creates the red wing colour of these species and its photo-sensitivity leads to its depletion during the lifetime of the moths. Both species show some different reflectance in the Transcaucasia but cannot be distinguished in the European region. It seems that a spatial vertical distribution can explain the findings rather than a horizontal one.
Estatísticas globais ℹ️
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