Fauna of Spilomelinae from Wuzhi Mountain Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, China (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Crambidae)
https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.832Parole chiave:
Lepidoptera, Spilomelinae, fauna, Wuzhi Mountain Nature Reserve, Hainan Island, ChinaAbstract
Fauna of Spilomelinae from Wuzhi Mountain was analysed. There are 95 species in 54 genera of Spilomelinae from this area. One species is newly recorded from China, three genera and thirteen species are recorded from Hainan Island for the first time. Fifty-four genera show 16 distributional patterns and ninety-five species show 14 distributional patterns in this Zoogeographical region of the world. One genus and seventeen species are endemic to the Oriental region. The indicates that Spilomelinae from this area are closely related to the Palaearctic region and next to the Australian and Afrotropical regions; specimens from the Oriental region constitute the majority and most genera and species show cross-region distribution.
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