Dispersal of Heterocera species from North Africa to the Maltese Islands (Insecta: Lepidoptera)




Parole chiave:

Insecta, Lepidoptera, migration,, dispersal, North Africa, Malta.


Located right in the middle of the Mediterranean, the Maltese Islands are some of the richest in the region. When the winds are right, several North African Heterocera species can be observed during the same night, depending on the season. The purpose of this paper is to document the North African Heterocera recorded from Malta during the last 13 months ending December 2021.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Agius, J. (2022). Dispersal of Heterocera species from North Africa to the Maltese Islands (Insecta: Lepidoptera). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 50(200), 659–663. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.254

