Plusiinae of Kashmir: Taxonomy, distribution and new faunistic records (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea)
Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Plusiinae, new records, Himalayas, Kashmir, IndiaAbstract
The present study encompasses twelve Plusiinae species, shedding light on their taxonomy, and geographical distribution. Among these, four species viz. Chrysodeixis acuta (Walker, [1858]), Cornutiplusia circumflexa (Linnaeus, 1767), Autographa nigrisigna (Walker, [1858]), and Sclerongenia jessica (Butler, 1878) are reported for the first time from the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, India thereby adding novel insights to the local lepidopteran fauna. For future scientific endeavors, each of these newly reported species has been meticulously prepared and preserved with mounted specimens and genitalia, ensuring that researchers have access to valuable reference material for further studies.
Globale Statistiken ℹ️
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