A review of the New World genera Alatuncusia Amsel, 1956 and Dichochroma Forbes, 1944 with new synonymies, new combinations, and description of two new species (Lepidoptera: Crambidae, Glaphyriinae)
The genus Alatuncusia Amsel, 1956 is reviewed, including three species A. canalis (Walker, [1866]) [= Dichogama bergii Möschler, 1890, syn. nov. = Lygropia gilvicostalis Hampson, 1918, syn. nov.)]; A. monochromatalis Becker, sp. nov.; and A. tornimaculalis Becker, sp. nov. The genus Dichochroma Forbes, 1944 is recognized with five species: D. atropos (Solis & Goldstein, 2013), comb. nov.; D. lachesis (Solis & Goldstein, 2013), comb. nov., D. muralis Forbes, 1944 [= S. clotho (Solis & Goldstein, 2013), syn. nov.], D. nyx (Solis &
Goldstein, 2013), comb. nov., D. subductalis (Walker, 1866), comb. nov. [= Lygropia fulvescens Hampson, 1918, syn. nov. = Dichogama fernaldi Möschler, 1890, syn. nov.; = Schacontia themis Solis & Goldstein, 2013, syn. nov. = S. rasa Solis & Goldstein, 2013, syn. nov.].
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Solis, M. A. (1992). Review and preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the subfamilies of the Pyralidae (sensu stricto) (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). Systematic Entomology, 17, 79-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3113.1992.tb00323.x
Solis, M. A. (2009). Transfer of all Western Hemisphere Cybalomiinae to other subfamilies (Crambidae: Pyraloidea: Lepidoptera); Elusia Schaus, Dichochroma Forbes, Schacontia Dyar, Cybalomia extorris Warren, and C. lojanalis (Dognin). Proceeding of the Entomological Society of Washington, 111(2), 493-504. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4289/0013-8797-111.2.493
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Walker, F. (1866). List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 34, 1121-1533; 35, 1535-2040.
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