Contribution to an understanding of the biology and larval morphology of two taxa in the genus Scopula Schrank, 1802, subgenus Glossotrophia Prout, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Sterrhinae, Scopula, larval morphology, phenology, food plants, chaetotaxy, SpainAbstract
Descriptions of the larval morphology of two Iberian Sterrhinae taxa in the genus Scopula Schrank, 1802 subgenus Glossotrophia Prout, 1913 are provided: Scopula (Glossotrophia) rufomixtaria (Graslin, 1863): larval chaetotaxy: L4 and Scopula (Glossotrophia) asellaria dentatolineata Wehrli, 1926: larval chaetotaxy: L5. Original data is also provided on their biology which includes phenology, food-plants and parasitoids.
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