Description of two new subspecies and notes on Charaxes Ochsenheimer, 1816 of Angola (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Charaxes, descriptions, synonymies, AngolaAbstract
This paper concerns the description of two new subspecies of the genus Charaxes Ochsenheimer, 1816 of Angola, one of C. fulvescens (Aurivillius, 1891) and another of C. jahlusa Trimen, 1862. Both are compared with the remaining known subspecies. The status of C. boueti carvalhoi Bivar-de-Sousa, 1983 is discussed and based primarily on Angolan material, C. saturnus brunnescens Poulton, 1926 is definitely placed within the synonymy of C. saturnus saturnus Butler, 1865 as previously suggested by some authors.
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