On the butterflies of genus Precis Hübner, 1819 known in Angola, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae)
Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae, Precis, new species, faunistic, new data, AngolaAbstract
Angolan samples of butterflies of genus Precis Hübner, 1819 are studied. One new species, P. larseni Mendes, Bivar-de-Sousa, Vasconcelos & Lopes, sp. n., is described from the Moxico, Cuanza Norte and Huambo provinces. P. rauana is reported as a faunistic novelty to the country based on specimens from the Uige province. New data are presented relatively to the remaining species of the genus already known for Angola.
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