Comparative study on the hypandrium of the Neotropical Biblidinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, abdominal plate, morphology, subgenital plate, NeotropicalAbstract
Biblidinae is a subfamily of Nymphalidae with over 250 species for the Neotropical Region. All males have a modified eighth sternum, this being the hypandrium. In order to demonstrate the structural variability and to assist in species identification, the morphological variations in species of 24 genera are illustrated and analyzed. Methods traditionally applied to dissection in Lepidoptera were used. To illustrate the variations, drawings were done with the aid of a camera lucida attached to a stereomicroscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The sclerite showed great variation with special highlight to the format, folds in the integument, the presence of spines and bristles.
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