Butterflies of the Urban Natural Reserve “General San Martin”, Cordoba, Argentina (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea,, urban diversity, seasonality, protected areas, ArgentinaAbstract
In Argentina, the diversity of butterflies is high because of the variety of ecoregions and their characteristic floras related to different altitudes, terrain relief and climates. Recently, the species that inhabit wild environments in the central zone of the country are being studied. However, records about butterflies living in urban areas are scarce. The objective of the present work was to recognize the composition of the butterfly fauna in the Reserva Urbana General San Martín and its seasonal variation. This reserve is the only protected natural area within the city of Córdoba. The data considered in this study came from three types of sampling. The occasional registers corresponded to accidental encounters, with photographic documentation, between 2009 and 2014. In the 14 monthly general samplings between September 2011 and November 2012, a directed search was carried out by means of day-long walks along the different paths of the Reserve. Lastly, between November 2011 and May 2012, nine systematic, structured samplings were carried out in nine locations: three in wooded zones, three in open areas and another three along the riverside, trying to cover the greats landscape heterogeneity, ground surface and high butterfly activity hours. A total of were 64 species were registered, that correspond to 51 and six families: Hesperiidae (19), Lycaenidae (11), Nymphalidae (19), Papilionidae (2), Pieridae (8) and Riodinidae (5). Cymaenes gisca Evans, 1955 (Hesperiidae) and Lemonias albofasciata (Godman, 1903) (Riodinidae) are mentioned for the first time in this area, and the presence of Staphylus tucumanus (Plötz, 1884) (Hesperiidae) is confirmed. The abundance of adult butterflies was notoriously seasonal, concentrated in the warmer seasons (spring, summer and autumn) and, even when there were no statistically significant differences between them, there were some peculiarities in the compositional variation of some families. The different sampling types complemented each other and efforts to describe the specific composition of the butterflies in the Reserve were successful. Species registered signify almost 50% of all butterflies known in the central mountains of Argentina, which highlights the conservation value that this protected area represents.
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