Five new species for the fauna of Spain and other interesting lepidopterological information for Spain and Sudan (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, new species, new mentions, Spain, SudanAbstract
Two new species: Megacraspedus sinevi Vives & Gastón, sp. n. (Gelechiidae), Sudaniola asselbergsi Vives & Gastón, sp. n. Also, the species Aproaerema ochrofasciella (Toll, 1936), Cochylimorpha erlebachi Huemer & Trematerra, 1997 (Tortricidae) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) (Noctuidae), are mentioned for the first time for the fauna of Spain. The male of Paraswamerdamia kitamurae Gastón & Vives, 2020 (Yponomeutidae) and the female of Symmoca mimetica Gozmány, 2008 (Autostichidae), are described. For the fauna of Sudan, the female of Turatia scioneura (Meyrick, 1929) (Autostichidae), is described.
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