New data on the Lepidoptera of Armenia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea, distribution, new data, revised records, ArmeniaResumo
The paper represents results of entomological expedition carried out in the central and southern parts of Armenia in May and June 2018. It includes a list of 124 Lepidoptera species (Papilionoidea) recorded with comments on their distribution. Two species are reported for the first time for the country: Pieris mannii (Mayer, 1851) and Plebejus morgianus (Kirby, 1871). Three cases of suspected errors in label data of the material are reviewed. It is assumed that these errors are attributable to mislabelling of material collected elsewhere, and it is concluded that all that records be considered highly doubtful and preferably ignored altogether until independent confirmation.
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