New data on Pterophoridae of Oman. Part 2 (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae)




Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, biodiversity, new date, Oman


Three Pterophoridae species are reported as new for the fauna of Oman. To the 17 previously known species from Oman (USTJUZHANIN et al., 2019) we have added three more: Agdistis hakimah Arenberger, 1985, Exelastis montischristi (Walsingham, 1897) and Exelastis pumilio (Zeller, 1873). We provide photos of the adult and male genitals of the rare and little studied species A. hakimah and give data on the distribution of all the listed species.


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Como Citar

Ustjuzhanin, P. Y., Kovtumovich, V. N., Sreltzov, A. N., & Ustjuzhanina, A. K. (2021). New data on Pterophoridae of Oman. Part 2 (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 49(196), 641–646.




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