The Anti-Lebanon ridge as the edge of the distribution range for Euro-Siberian and Irano-Turanian faunistic elements in the Mediterranean biome: A case study (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
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Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian, xeromontane, alpine, orofauna, chorology, biodiversity, peripheral populations, Mount Hermon, IsraelAbstract
The Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon ridges are located in the middle of a narrow “Mediterranean ecozone” corridor stretching along the Levantine coast. Both ridges are high enough to feature a complete range of altitude zones, which includes an alpine tragacanth belt (> 2000 m a.s.l.). The southernmost part of the Anti-Lebanon ridge is situated in the northernmost part of Israel. Among the 548 Israeli Noctuidae species, 106 species (21%) occur only in this small mountainous area. Among them, 17 are endemic and the populations of the remaining 89 species are at the edge of their distribution range. Montane forest acts as the southernmost shelter for Euro-Siberian and Mediterranean arboreal Noctuidae fauna. The higher altitudes host Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian oromontane species with a few lowland Euro-Siberian species. The alpine faunas of the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon ridges are similar, although the Anti-Lebanon ridge, being in the shadow of the Lebanon ridge, receives significantly less precipitation. Nonetheless, it features a Mediterranean biome on its western slopes, while its eastern slopes, facing the Syrian steppe, feature mainly Irano-Turanian fauna. Constituting a border between the Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian faunas, the higher elevations of this ridge present a meeting point of the alpine and xeromontane Noctuidae, making it exceptionally species-rich.
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