A new species of the genus Epischnia Hübner, 1825 from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Pyralidae, Phycitinae)




Parole chiave:

Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Phycitinae, Epischnia, new species, Kazakhstan


Epischnia porphyrea Tsvetkov, sp. n. is described from Kyzylorda and Turkestan Provinces of Kazakhstan. The new species is related to Epischnia albella Amsel, 1954 and it is distinguished by the forewing pattern and by the male genitalia. The description is based on material collected by the author in Kazakhstan in 2019.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

Amsel, H. G. (1949). On the Microlepidoptera collected by E. P. Wiltshire in Irak and Iran in the years 1935 to 1938. Bulletin de la Société Fouad Ier d’Entomologie, 33, 271-351, pls 1-12.

Amsel, H. G. (1954). Die Microlepidopteren der Brandt’schen Iran-Ausbeute. 4. Teil. Arkiv för Zoologi, 6(16), 255-326, pls 1-33.

Amsel, H. G. (1958). Kleinschmetterlinge aus Nordost-Arabien der Ausbeute A. S. Talhouk. Beiträge zur Naturkundlichen Forschung in Südwestdeutschland, 17(1), 61-82, pl. 5.

Amsel, H. G. (1961). Die Microlepidopteren der Brandt’schen Iran-Ausbeute. 5. Teil. Arkiv för Zoologi, 13(17), 323-445, pls. 1-9.

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Leraut, P. (2014). Moths of Europe. Pyralids 2 (Vol. 4). N. A. P. Editions.

Ragonot, E. L. (1893). Monographie des Phycitinae et des Galleriinae. In N. M. Romanoff. Mémoires sur les lépidoptères (Vol. 7). St. Pétersbourg.

Ragonot, E. L., & Hampson, G. F. (1901). Monographie des Phycitinae et des Galleriinae. In N. M. Romanoff. Mémoires sur les lépidoptères (Vol. 8). St. Pétersbourg.

Vives Moreno, A., & Gastón, F. J. (2017). Contribución al conocimiento de los Microlepidoptera de España, con la descripción de una especie nueva (Insecta: Lepidoptera). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 45(178), 317-342.



Come citare

Tsvetkov, E. T. (2022). A new species of the genus Epischnia Hübner, 1825 from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Pyralidae, Phycitinae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 50(200), 637–641. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.273

