New distributional record of Heterocera from Andaman and Nicobar Islands with six new additions to Indian Lepidoptera Fauna (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
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Insecta, Lepidoptera, biodiversity, distribution, new records, Andaman and Nicorbar Islands, IndiaRésumé
This paper reports six species of Heterocera belonging to family Geometridae, Notodontidae, Euteliidae, and Noctuidae viz. Probithia imprimata (Walker, 1861), Ruttellerona pseudocessaria Holloway, 1994, Amraica solivagaria (Walker, 1866), Phalera sundana Holloway, 1982, Paectes psaliphora Hampson, 1912 and Iambia lyricalis Holloway, 1989. The species stated above have been collected from different islands of Andaman and Nicobar archipelago. Furthermore, the study reveals new contributions to India’s Lepidoptera fauna. Microphotographs of Adult genitalia along with species diagnosis, habitat, and the new distributional data from these islands are provided.
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(c) Tous droits réservés B. Sumit Kumar Rao, Chandrakasan Sivaperuman 2022
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