Rediscovery in Spain of the Iberian endemism Ethmia fumidella delattini Agenjo, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea)
Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, distribution, Ethmia candidella, Ethmia fumidella, Ethmia pusiella, morphology, phenology, Iberian Peninsula, SpainAbstract
Confusion with similar congeners could explain the lack of data on Iberian endemism Ethmia fumidella delattini Agenjo, 1964, following its taxonomic description. As a result, post mortem images of the two adults that were used to describe the taxon remain the only images published under this designation. This study provides morphological, phenological and biogeographical evidence of the presence of E. f. delattini in four provinces of central and southern Spain. In addition, adults of all the localities where they have been found are illustrated in vivo.
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