The genus Hypsotropa Zeller, 1848 in Italy and description of H. aenigmatica Pinzari & Pinzari, sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae, Peoriini)
Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Phycitinae, Peoriini, Hypsotropa, ItalyAbstract
A description of Hypsotropa aenigmatica Pinzari & Pinzari, sp. n., is given based on one male collected in Tuscany (Italy). A distribution review of the genus Hypsotropa Zeller, 1848 in Italy is presented: Hypsotropa unipunctella Ragonot, 1888 in North-East; Hypsotropa limbella Zeller, 1848, in the northern half of the peninsula; Hypsotropa roseostrigella Ragonot, 1901, in Sardinia; Hypsotropa vulneratella (Zeller, 1847) in the southern half of the peninsula, in Sicily and in Sardinia. Based on our study it follows that Hypsotropa gallohispanicella Leraut, 2019 = H. roseostrigella Ragonot, 1901, syn. n.
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