Description of the female Coleophora alfacarensis Baldizzone, 1998 and other records of interest for Spain (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae, Gelechiidae, Tortricidae)
Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae, Gelechiidae, Tortricidae, new species, SpainAbstract
Unknown until now, the female of Coleophora alfacarensis Baldizzone, 1998 is also described. Records are
provided that constitute first records for Spain, such as Coleophora pulmonariella Zeller, 1839; Coleophora
aleramica Baldizzone & Stübner, 2007; Coleophora asteris Mühlig, 1864; Coleophora thurneri Glaser, 1969;
Coleophora pseudociconiella Toll, 1952 and Psamathocrita dalmatinella Huemer & Tokar, 2000. The second
confirmed record of the Coleophora albidella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) and the third of Coleophora
quadristraminella Toll, 1961, in Spain is presented. Finally, the genitalia female of Cochylimorpha sparsana is
represented for the first time (Staudinger, 1880).
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