Space-temporal variability of the Lepidoptera in two locations of the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, inventory, richness, conservationAbstract
Lepidoptera are widely studied in Rio Grande do Sul, especially Rhopalocera. However, studies of Heteroceraare not common, and only specific groups have usually been sampled in repeated locations. Therefore, there areinformation gaps regarding Heterocera in the state, resulting in many of the taxonomic lists remaining incomplete.The present study contributes to the existing data by providing new information about the assemblies of moths in thecentral region of the state. The samplings were conducted from April 2012 to May 2013, using a light trap with awhite cloth, such as TNT, and a 500 W halogen lamp, during new moon nights at two locations on the edge of the Central Plateau, in the regions located between the municipalities of Santa-Maria-Silveira Martins and Santa Maria-Itaara. We identified the species by using specialized literature, comparing with Lepidoptera collections, andconfirming with specialists. After 16 samplings, we collected 161 species distributed in 122 genera, 16 families, and 37 subfamilies. The most significant richness observed was for the families Arctiidae (39), Geometridae (43), and Noctuidae (32). The specimens identified in this study adds 75 new records for the Rio Grande do Sul. However, weemphasize that this large number of new records was because of the relatively few studies of Heterocera.
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