Description of Pseudoinsalebria Slamka, Ylla & Macià, gen. n. and Pseudoinsalebria iberica Slamka, Ylla & Macià, sp. n., a closely related species to Pseudoinsalebria albipunctella (Chrétien, 1911) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae)




Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Phycitinae, Pseudoinsalebria, new genus, Pseudoinsalebria iberica, new species, Spain


A new genus of Phycitinae - Pseudoinsalebria Slamka, Ylla & Macià, gen. n., and a new species - Pseudoinsalebria iberica Slamka, Ylla & Macià sp. n., are described from the south of Spain. The genus Pseudoinsalebria differs from the related genera Insalebria Filipjev, 1924 and Selagia Hübner, [1825] 1816 by external characters and also by male and female genitalia. Pseudoinsalebria iberica differs from the closely related P. albipunctella (Chrétien, 1911) by the forewing markings and by male and female genitalia. Photographs of the adults and figures of the genitalia of both species are provided.


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How to Cite

Slamka, F., Ylla, J., & Macià, R. (2018). Description of Pseudoinsalebria Slamka, Ylla & Macià, gen. n. and Pseudoinsalebria iberica Slamka, Ylla & Macià, sp. n., a closely related species to Pseudoinsalebria albipunctella (Chrétien, 1911) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 46(184), 673–679.




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