Noctuid moths of xerothermic habitats in the Chorna Hora Botanical Reserve in Transcarpathia (Ukraine) (Lepidoptera: Nolidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae)




Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Nolidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae, Chorna Hora Botanical Reserve, fauna, Transcarpathia, Ukraine


The paper presents the results of a survey, carried out in 2009-2017, of the Noctuoidea fauna of xerothermic ecosystems on the slopes of the Chorna Hora mountain in Ukrainian Transcarpathia. Among the total of 299 noctuid species recorded, 96 are new to the Chorna Hora. The survey has shown unequivocally that this region plays a major role in the preservation of noctuid biodiversity in both Ukraine and Europe as a whole. It supports a series of stenotopic species with Pontic, Mediterranean and Pannonian distributions, regarded as rare and threatened with extinction in Ukraine and central Europe. They include C. communimacula, N. siculana, C. xeranthemi, V. oleagina, C. platyptera, C. opalina, A. caliginosa, C. latreillei, C. kadenii, A. gluteosa, M. maura, P. sericata, E. glaucina, T. sulphurago, A. humilis, A. lutulenta, L. literosa, P. extrema, C. multangula, E. cos, D. nigrescens and D. forcipula.


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How to Cite

Nowacki, J., Wasala, R., & Zydlik, P. (2018). Noctuid moths of xerothermic habitats in the Chorna Hora Botanical Reserve in Transcarpathia (Ukraine) (Lepidoptera: Nolidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 46(184), 593–614.

