Fruit-feeding butterflies in Atlantic forests of Iguassu National Park, Parana, Brazil (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, conservation, diversity, inventory, species richness, BrazilAbstract
Fruit-feeding butterflies easily collected with attractive bait traps can be used in comparative ecological studies through sampling protocol. Thus, the present study is aimed at comparing the fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages of two Atlantic forest phytophysiognomies in Iguassu National Park: Semideciduous forest (FES) and Araucaria forest (FOM) in relation to abundance, richness and species composition. Field work was carried out monthly between November 2012 and May 2013, using Van Someren-Rydon traps with bait consisting of mashed banana in fermented sugarcane juice. For each phytophysiognomy, we used 15 traps in pre-defined transects that were revised every 24 h during five days per sampling occasion. After six samplings and 900 trap/day as total effort, 1,127 individuals representing 69 species and 4 subfamilies of fruit-feeding butterflies were recorded. Satyrinae was the most abundant subfamily with the greatest species richness. Considering species abundance, 604 (52.54 % of the individuals) were collected in FES, while 523 (47.46 %) in FOM. The rarefaction showed a significantly greater richness of species in FES which 65 species observed while FOM showed 55. Species accumulation’ curves did not reach the asymptote for each phytophysiognomy. Similarly, the calculated richness analytical estimators Jacknife 1 and Bootstrap showed higher values than the richness sampled in both areas indicating that more species could be observed with an increased sampling effort. Thirty-eight species were new records for the Iguassu National Park. Only one species for each phytophysiognomy was dominant, Memphis moruus stheno (Prittwitz, 1865) in FES and Pareuptychia summandosa (Gosse, 1880) in FOM. The results obtained demonstrate that the fruit-feeding butterflies’ guild of Iguassu National Park has substantial composition and species richness. Furthermore, combined with other local and regional studies, they shall generate information for the conservation and management of reserved areas for biodiversity protection.
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