Expeditions, collections and studies of Lepidopterology on the Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea) (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, scientific expeditions, Fernando Poo, Bioko, Equatorial GuineaAbstract
The present work is a chronological compilation of the main expeditions and entomological collections undertaken to Fernando Poo Island (today Bioko Island). Included are those that were promoted and financed by public entities Spain or other European countries, as well as specimens for study which was provided by amateur collectors of Entomology. In particular, the collections of butterflies provided by Manuel Martínez de la Escalera in 1919, Teodoro Vives in 1928 and Bonet and Gil in 1933 stand out from the rest. The main publications about butterflies and moths from 1847 until the present are mentioned, some of them being the result of the expeditions and collections above mentioned and others, the most current derived, from data compilation works of general interest or from recent expeditions. The historical linkage between Spain and Spanish zoologists and Bioko is extensive and so the Lepidoptera collection of the National Museum of Natural History in Madrid keeps a considerable quantity of specimens (about 2000) belonging to different species that are nowadays being studied, and defined for publication, which in the end will allow the increase of the number of butterflies species present in Bioko.
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