Rediscovery of Piercolias coropunae (Dyar 1913) with re-description of male and first description of the female (Lepidoptera: Pieridae)
Lepidoptera, Pieridae, Piercolias, Coropuna, Arequipa, PeruAbstract
The rediscovery of Piercolias coropunae (Dyar, 1913) is reported herein, based on ten males and four females collected at the type locality (Coropuna). The original description of P. coropunae was based on a unique male collected in 1911 by the Yale University Peruvian Expedition, at the Coropuna volcano (Arequipa) and since that time, almost 100 years ago, the species had not been recorded. A redescription of the male and the first description of the female are provided.
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