Butterfly diversity of Licka Pljesevica Mountain chain, Croatia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea)
Lička Plješevica is an elongated mountain massif situated in the Croatian Lika region, at the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was never a target of any systematic butterfly surveys, and its butterfly fauna was poorly studied. During our surveys from 2007 to 2019, we recorded 142 butterfly species on 71 localities. Along with the records from the available literature, a total of 152 species were recorded from Lička Plješevica massif. This is the second most diverse butterfly fauna of a mountain chain in Croatia, lagging just behind Velebit Mts. with 153 species. Faunal composition of both mountain chains is however similar with exception of montane species which are less numerous on Lička Plješevica. For some species with scarce records from Croatia like: Colias caucasica, Cupido osiris, Eumedonia eumedon, Plebejus argyrognom, Thecla betulae, Melitaea britomartis, Araschnia levana and Neptis rivularis new records are discussed. Abandonment and subsequent overgrowing has been recognized as the most important factor potentially causing long term butterfly declines in the region.
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