Contribution to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera Heterocera in Equatorial Guinea. Two genera and three species new for the fauna of this country (Lepidoptera: Nolidae, Hyblaeidae, Erebidae)
Lepidoptera, Nolidae, Earias, Hyblaeidae, Hyblaea, Erebidae, Macella, Equatorial GuineaAbstract
In the course of the reorganization and cataloguing of the Lepidoptera material deposited in the Entomology Collection of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), in Madrid, Spain, under the name “Exotic”, we have revised one specie of the genus Earias Hübner, [1825] 1816, two species one of the genus Hyblaea Fabricius, 1793, and other of the genus Macella Walker, 1859, originating in exploratory work carried out by different Spanish Scientists. Spanish Guinea was divided into two provinces after 1959: Fernando Poo province, including Fernando Poo and Annobon Islands and Rio Muni province, including the continental territory of Rio Muni and the islands of Elobey Grande, Elobey Chico and Corisco. It became an independent country in 1968, taking the name of Republic of Equatorial Guinea. According to our investigations, two species of the genus Hyblaea Fabricius, 1793 are present in Equatorial Guinea: Hyblaea occidentalium Holland, 1894 and Hyblaea puera (Cramer, 1777), this last are new for the fauna of this country. Equally we have studied material of the genus Earias Hübner, [1825] 1816 with one species Earias biplaga Walker, 1866, and of the genus Macella Walker, 1859 with a species Macella euritiusalis (Walker 1859) and that as much the genus as the species, they are news for the fauna of this country. In this work we revise their distribution and carry out the study of the genital of these species.
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