On the status and position of Melitaea minerva var. palamedes Groum-Grshimaïlo, 1890 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)


  • S. K. Korb Russian Entomological Society




Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Melitaea palamedes, Melitaea minerva, status, position, COIsequence


Melitaea palamedes Groum-Grshimaïlo, 1890 is treated here as a subspecies of M. minerva Staudinger, 1881, based on molecular data and morphology: Melitaea minerva  palamedes Groum-Grshimaïlo, 1890, stat. rev.


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How to Cite

Korb, S. K. (2017). On the status and position of Melitaea minerva var. palamedes Groum-Grshimaïlo, 1890 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). SHILAP Revista De lepidopterología, 45(177), 17–22. https://doi.org/10.57065/shilap.965

