Sound production in the immature stages of 18 species of Iberian Lycaenidae and its probable biological function (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, behaviour, larva, myrmecophily, pupa, sound production, Iberian PeninsulaAbstract
We recorded and analysed the acoustic signals of 18 lycaenid butterfly species from the Iberian Peninsula, including myrmecophilous and amyrmecophilous species. The studied species belong to 15 genera and are one Theclini, one Eumaeini, two Lycaenini, and 14 Polyommatini. For five species we studied only the sounds produced by larvae and for 13 the sounds of the larvae and the pupae. Sounds were produced by all the studied larvae and 77% of the pupae. We studied the frequency and structure of the sounds for each species. Sound producing mechanisms are different in larvae and pupae: larvae were not observed to have stridulatory organs while the pupae have intersegmental abdominal stridulatory organs. The larvae of two species of Lycaena,
Cacyreus marshalli, and Agriades pyrenaicus produce sounds but are amymercophilous. We did not detect sound production differences between myrmecophilous and amyrmecophilous larvae. Pupae of amyrmecophilous species do not produce sound, with the exception of Lycaena phlaeas. Three of the studied species (Glaucopsyche alexis, Iolana debilitata, and Pseudophilotes panoptes) are myrmecophilous, but do not produce sounds during the pupal stage. Our results therefore show that sound producing behaviour is not initially related with myrmecophily, but could be related with an alarm and/or defense mechanism, that could secondarily be linked with myrmecophilous behaviours.
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