New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2016 (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, distribution, PortugalAbstract
32 species are added to the Portuguese Lepidoptera fauna, mainly as a result of fieldwork undertaken by the authors and others in 2016. In addition, second and third records for the country, new province records and new food-plant data for a number of species are included. A summary of recent papers affecting the Portuguese fauna is included
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PÉREZ-OTERO, R., MANSILLA, J. P. & VIDAL, M., 2014.– Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera, Crambidae): una nueva amenaza para Buxus spp. en la Península Ibérica.– Arquivos entomolóxicos, 10: 225-228.
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TABELL, J. & WIKSTRÖM, B., 2016.– Coleophora proterella Wikström & Tabell, a new species belonging to C. virgaureae species-complex (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae).– SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología, 44(173): 169-174. DOI:
WEBB, D. A., 1964-1980.– Flora Europaea, 1: xxxii + 464 pp., 2: xxvii + 455 pp., 3: xxix + 370 pp., 4: xxix + 505 pp., 5: xxxvi + 452 pp. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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