Butterfly and moth diversity in Serpa (Baixo Alentejo, Portugal): an advance in a yet poorly surveyed region (Insecta: Lepidoptera)
Insecta, Lepidoptera, faunistics, distribution, Alentejo, PortugalAbstract
A survey of the little known Lepidoptera diversity in southeast inland Portugal was carried out, resulting in circa 357 species for the region. Among these, 35 are butterflies (Papilionoidea) and the remaining 322 species are moths (several subfamilies). Among these, 13 were novel records for Portugal, of which eight are here presented for the first time. 83 species are new to Baixo Alentejo region. Sampling included oportunistic searches during the day and lighttrapping at night during all but one month of the year. This study highlights the scarcity of studies in this region, despite many efforts in the last few years in accomplishing so and having a better picture of the whole of Portugal.
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